Experience survival horror like never before in the eighth major installment in the storied Resident Evil franchise - Resident Evil Village. Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the all-new storyline begins with Ethan Winters and his wife Mia living peacefully in a new location, free from their past nightmares. Resident Evil Village. Login Store Community Support Change language View desktop website. Install Steam login language Store Page. Resident Evil Village. Resident Evil Village is scheduled to launch on Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X in 2021 – pending any development delays, of course. Unlike some other third-party titles showcased at the.
The next generation of survival horror rises in the form of Resident Evil Village,
the eighth major entry in the Resident Evil series. With ultra-realistic graphics powered by the RE Engine,
fight for survival as danger lurks around every corner.
Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard,
the all-new storyline begins with Ethan Winters and his wife Mia living peacefully in a new location,
free from their past nightmares.
Just as they are building their new life together,
tragedy befalls them once again.
When BSAA captain Chris Redfield attacks their home,
Ethan must once again head into hell to get his kidnapped daughter back.
Ethan Winters
The protagonist of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, Ethan's story continues in Resident Evil Village. After being swept up into the events of the Baker estate incident, this regular nobody somehow managed to escape that nightmare alive. Ever since, he has lived a quiet existence with his wife Mia under the protection of the BSAA.
Chris Redfield
A mainstay of the series since the first Resident Evil, this former S.T.A.R.S. member has fought his way through numerous bioterror incidents. He currently works as a specialist for the BSAA, a counter-bioterror NGO.
Alcina Dimitrescu
The mistress of the castle that overlooks the village. A towering woman with bewitching looks.
Mia Winters
Ethan's wife. The organization she was once a member of were the developers of the bioweapon that caused the incident in the Baker home.
Rosemary Winters
The Duke
A strange man from the village. He has a large selection of wares in his shop.
Karl Heisenberg
A strange man who wields a massive hammer. Could he be a friend, or a foe?
The Hound Wolf Squad
Resident Evil Village is set in a 'village'
resting in the shadow of an ancient castle.
You must utilize numerous weapons and items against aggressive adversaries and add tools to your artillery for situations outside of battle.
01.The Onslaught
Resident Evil games have always been about escaping extreme situations. Take down aggressive foes with your own hands.
You can allot weapons to quick slots so you can instantly change weapons depending on the situation.
Guard against attacks to reduce enemy damage, then kick the enemies back.
Resource Management
Keeping track of your healing items and ammo is incredibly important for survival horror. Stay well-stocked for the battles ahead.
01.The Merchant
Purchase weapons and items from the Duke. He can even improve your weapons for you...for a price.
02.Inventory Management
What weapons and items should you keep on you? Managing your inventory could be the difference between life and death.
Combine herbs and chem fluid to create first aid med. You can even obtain more recipes to craft a variety of ammo.
The Mercenaries
The Mercenaries is an action-packed additional game mode, which is playable after completing the main story. Fight waves of monsters from a first person perspective.
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Receive Resident Evil Re:Verse, the new title celebrating 25 years of Resident Evil, for free when you purchase Resident Evil Village!
- If you purchase Resident Evil Village on the PlayStation®5, then the version of Resident Evil Re:Verse will be for the PlayStation®4, and if you purchase Village on the Xbox Series X, you will receive the Xbox One version of Re:Verse.
- Resident Evil Re:Verse is an online-only multiplayer title. The PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 versions require a PlayStation®Plus membership, and the Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions require an Xbox Live Gold membership in order to play.
- Details of the operational period for Resident Evil Re:Verse, including commencement of availability and any potential announcements relating to the end of service, can be found on the official website.
- Please note that, depending on the timing of your purchase of Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil Re:Verse may already no longer be available, and/or the title may become available through other means in the future.
- Product codes are included with the physical version of Resident Evil Village. If you purchase the digital version, content can be downloaded from the online store the game was purchased from.
- Product codes will become invalid if the content is no longer available.
Resident Evil Village Steam
- Contents and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
- Images are used for illustrative purposes.