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(Record Group 313)1849-1997
Table of Contents
- 313.1 Administrative History
- 313.2 Records of Squadrons 1865-1910
- 313.2.1 Records of the Asiatic Squadron
- 313.2.2 Records of the Bering Sea Squadron
- 313.2.3 Records of the European Squadron
- 313.2.4 Records of the North Atlantic Squadron
- 313.2.5 Records of the South Atlantic Squadron
- 313.2.6 Records of other squadrons
- 313.3 Records of Fleets (Organization of 1906) 1904-25
- 313.3.1 Records of the Atlantic Fleet
- 313.3.2 Records of the Pacific Fleet
- 313.3.3 Records of Naval Forces, Europe
- 313.4 Records of the United States Fleet (1922-41) 1921-45
- 313.4.1 General records
- 313.4.2 Records of Battle Force
- 313.4.3 Records of Aircraft, Battle Force
- 313.4.4 Records of Scouting Force
- 313.4.5 Records of Base Force
- 313.4.6 Records of the Asiatic Fleet
- 313.4.7 Records of the Atlantic Squadron
- 313.5 Records of Naval Operating Forces, World War II and Later1931-63
- 313.5.1 Records of the United States Fleet
- 313.5.2 Records of the Atlantic Fleet
- 313.5.3 Records of the Pacific Fleet
- 313.5.4 Records of numbered fleets (Atlantic)
- 313.5.5 Records of numbered fleets (Pacific)
- 313.5.6 Records of Naval Forces Europe
- 313.5.7 Records of Fleet Air organizations
- 313.5.8 Records of miscellaneous activities
- 313.6 Records of Pacific Ocean Area Activities 1921-59 (bulk 1939-59)
- 313.6.1 Records of the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS)
- 313.6.2 Records of Naval Bases (NB)
- 313.6.3 Records of Naval Advance Bases (NAB)
- 313.6.4 Records of Naval Operating Bases (NOB)
- 313.6.5 Records of Naval Stations (NS)
- 313.6.6 Records of Naval Air Stations (NAS)
- 313.6.7 Records of Naval Air Facilities (NAF)
- 313.6.8 Records of Submarine Bases and Submarine Advance Bases
- 313.6.9 Records of miscellaneous activities
- 313.7 Records of Naval Sea Frontiers 1940-50
- 313.8 Records of the U.S. Naval Support Force, Antarctica(USNSFA) 1939-80
- 313.8.1 Administrative records
- 313.8.2 Operational records
- 313.9 Other Records 1849-1909, 1935-44
- 313.9.1 Records of the U.S. Auxiliary Naval Force
- 313.9.2 Combined records of two or more naval forces
- 313.9.3 Records of individual vessels
- 313.10 Cartographic Records (General)
- 313.11 Motion Pictures (General)
- 313.12 Sound Recordings (General)
- 313.13 Still Pictures (General)
313.1 Administrative History
Finding Aids: Harry Schwartz, comp., 'Preliminary Inventory ofthe Records of Naval Operating Forces,' NM 18 (1963); supplementin National Archives microfiche edition of preliminaryinventories.
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Security-Classified Records: This record group may includematerial that is security-classified.
Related Records:Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, RG 24.
Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, RG 38.
Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records andLibrary, RG 45.
General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1798-1947, RG 80.
Records of Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, RG 181.
Records of Allied Operational and Occupation Headquarters, WorldWar II, RG 331.
313.2 Records of Squadrons
313.2.1 Records of the Asiatic Squadron
Textual Records: Letters sent by Rear Adm. J.C. Watson, mainly asCommander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Asiatic Station, 1898-1900; and by the Flag Secretary, 1900. Private correspondence ofCommodore J.C. Watson, 1898-99. Annual report of the Commander inChief, 1904-5.
313.2.2 Records of the Bering Sea Squadron
Textual Records: Letters sent by the commanding officers ofU.S.S. Yorktown, 1892-93, and Mohican, 1893-95. Letters received,1893.
Related Records: Additional records of U.S.S. Mohican Under313.9.3.
313.2.3 Records of the European Squadron
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1869-1905. Telegrams sent, 1893-94.
313.2.4 Records of the North Atlantic Squadron
Textual Records: Records of successive commanders in chief, U.S.Naval Forces on North Atlantic Station, including letters sent,1865-1905; telegrams sent, 1874-78; letters received, 1873-78,1896-1905; correspondence, 1898-99; reports of naval engagements,1898; and a journal of Rear Adm. William T. Sampson, 1898.Letters sent by the Eastern Squadron, 1898. Records of the FlyingSquadron, consisting of letters sent and issuances, 1898. Lettersand endorsements sent by the Caribbean Squadron, 1902-4, and theAtlantic Training Squadron, 1904-5. Letters sent by the SpecialSquadron, 1902; the 1st Squadron, 1904-5; and the CruiserDivision, 1905. Letters sent and received by the Key West NavalBase, 1898.
313.2.5 Records of the South Atlantic Squadron
Textual Records: Letters and telegrams sent, 1892-96, andreceived, 1893-94. Letters, telegrams, issuances, and radiocommunications sent, 1899-1901. Radio and cable communicationssent, 1903. Letters sent, 1904-5. Endorsements sent, 1903.Intelligence reports, 1904.
313.2.6 Records of other squadrons
Textual Records: Reports of earthquake relief operations of adetached squadron at Kingston, Jamaica, January 1907. Letterssent by the Squadron of Evolution, 1889-92. Records of theNicaraguan Expeditionary Squadron, 1909-10, consisting mainly ofgeneral correspondence and telegrams.
313.3 Records of Fleets (Organization of 1906)
313.3.1 Records of the Atlantic Fleet
Textual Records: General report of fleet operations, 1909.Formerly security-classified intelligence reports of voyages ofarmed guard vessels received by the cruiser and transport force,1917-18. Letters and endorsements sent by the Second Division,1st Squadron, 1906-7. Letters sent by Rear Adm. C.H. Hockson,Special Service Squadron, 1907. Letters and endorsements sent bythe 3d Squadron, 1905-6. Records of Naval Forces Operating inEuropean Waters, including cablegrams and telegrams, 1917-19;issuances, 1917-18; historical files, 1917-18; Admiralty Orders,1917-18; records of courts of inquiry, 1918-19; records relatingto aircraft, 1917; muster rolls, 1917-19; press notices, 1917-18;publications, 1913-25; records of naval air stations, 1918-19;records of Destroyer Division Twenty-Six, 1925; generalcorrespondence of Naval Air Station Ireland, 1918; reports ofseaplane and motor inspection, 1918; beach log sheets, 1918;general correspondence of U.S. Naval Aviation Forces, ForeignService, 1918; records of Commander Cruiser and Transport Force,1914-19, including war diaries, 1917-19; records of the NavalOverseas Transportation Service, 1918-19; and generalcorrespondence of Commander Torpedo Flotilla, 1912.
Maps and Charts (20 items): Ports in CA, HI, and Japan, visitedon an around-the-world cruise, 1907-8; anchorages on the HudsonRiver, NY, and on Culebra Island, PR, 1912-18; and locations ofNorth Sea mines, 1918. See ALSO 313.10.
313.3.2 Records of the Pacific Fleet
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1904-5. Letters and reportsreceived, 1908-10. Flag journals, 1908-11.
313.3.3 Records of Naval Forces, Europe
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1917-19.
313.4 Records of the United States Fleet (1922-41)
313.4.1 General records
Textual Records: Formerly confidential correspondence of theCommander in Chief, 1939-40 (86 ft.), with registers, 1936, 1940.General correspondence, 1928-35. Miscellaneous records, 1937-38.
313.4.2 Records of Battle Force
Textual Records: General correspondence of Commander BattleForce, 1941. Records of Commander Battleships, Battle Force,including general correspondence, 1934-44; issuances, 1938-43;muster rolls, 1930-45; joint army-navy intelligence andgeographic studies, 1942-44; and inspection reports, 1938.Records of Commander Battleships Division Two, consisting ofgeneral correspondence, 1937-42; and records of gunneryexercises, 1935-42. Records of Commander Cruisers, Battle Force,including general correspondence, 1932-42; and issuances, 1936-41. Records of Commander Destroyers, Battle Force, includingconfidential correspondence, 1940; general correspondence, 1935-42; subject file, 1934-39; and additional records, 1939-41.Records of Commander Minecraft, Battle Force, consisting ofgeneral correspondence, 1937-39; and miscellaneous records, 1921-39. General correspondence and miscellaneous records of CommanderCommunication Mobile Target Division One, 1937-40.
Charts (87 items, in Washington Area): Tracking charts for FleetProblem XXI, Parts 2 and 3, 1940. See ALSO 313.10.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (81 items, in WashingtonArea): Plans of the Battle Force Engineer, consisting ofblueprint plans of battleships, including U.S.S. Arizona,Colorado, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma,Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia, 1934-36 (80 items); andplans for a sky lookout support, 1940 (1 item). See ALSO 313.10.
313.4.3 Records of Aircraft, Battle Force
Textual Records: Records of Commander Aircraft, Battle Force,including general correspondence, 1935-42; subject file, 1934-42;serial file, 1939-42; issuances, 1936-41; reports, 1937-40;airplane jackets, 1937-40; gunnery exercises, 1935-42; shipsgeneral information books, 1928-37; ship silhouettes andrecognition reports, 1941-42; personnel files, 1936-42; andfinancial and accounting records, 1936-40. Records of theOperations Officer, 1938-41. Correspondence of the FlagLieutenant, 1936-37. Correspondence of the Material Officer,1937-42. Records of the Engineering Officer, includingcorrespondence, 1934-38; letter file, 1939-40; technical orders,1938-39; correspondence of the Structures Branch, 1934-39; andcorrespondence of the Material Structures and Engineering Branch,1939-41. Records of the Communications Officer, 1931-39. Recordsof the Supply Officer, consisting of general correspondence,1936-41; serial file, 1939-42; and a miscellaneous file, 1936-41.Records of the Medical Officer, consisting of generalcorrespondence, 1936-40; reports, 1934-39; circular letters,1935-38; and miscellaneous records, 1934-37. Generalcorrespondence of the Fleet Air Detachment Officer, 1939-41.Records of Commander Carrier Division 2, including generalcorrespondence, 1936-42; issuances, 1941-42; and additionalrecords, 1937-38. Records of Commander Patrol Wing, 1942. Recordsof Scouting Squadron 3, 1937-43. Records of Fighting Squadron 3,1941-43. Records of Fighting Squadron 5, 1937-42.
Charts (12 items, in Washington Area): Electric power demandcurves, various aircraft, n.d. See ALSO 313.10.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (980 items, in WashingtonArea): Blueprint plans of aircraft carriers U.S.S. Lexington,1931-35 (108 items); Ranger, 1937-39 (25 items); Saratoga, 1928-39 (25 items); Wasp, 1942 (18 items); and Yorktown, 1933-39 (27items). General plans, including battleships U.S.S. Tennessee andWest Virginia; aircraft carriers U.S.S. Ranger, Saratoga, andWasp; and cruiser U.S.S. Vincennes, 1923-41 (100 items).Blueprint plans submitted by the following commercial aircraftcompanies: Douglas, 1935-36 (13 items); Grumman, 1935-37 (57items); Northrop, 1941 (7 items); Pratt and Whitney, 1931-35 (215items); Curtiss, 1934-35 (3 items); Chance Voight, 1928, 1935-36(5 items); Wright, 1932, 1933-35 (45 items); Bendix Brake, 1935(2 items); and General Electric, 1941 (1 item). Plans submittedby Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, n.d. (2 items);Naval Aircraft Factory (Philadelphia Navy Yard), 1935-38 (18items); and Bureau of Aeronautics, 1935 (9 items). Plans ofU.S.S. Lexington, 1928 (46 items) and 1936 (18 items). Machineryplans, U.S.S. Ranger, n.d. (54 items), and Saratoga, n.d. (54items). General plans, U.S.S. Saratoga, 1936 (17 items). NavalOperating Base San Diego supply depot annex, 1931 (4 items); andair station hydrographic survey, 1932 (1 item). EngineeringOffice set of Bureau of Construction and Repair blueprint plansof ship alterations, 1934-36 (106 items). See ALSO 313.10.
Photographic Prints (26 images, in Washington Area): Engineparts, VS-1 aircraft, 1935 (25 images), and VB-5 aircraft, 1935(1 image). See ALSO 313.13.
Photographic Negatives (8 images, in Washington Area): Nozzlerings and diaphragms, U.S.S. Langley, 1935 (6 images). Airplanewing diagram, SU-4 aircraft, n.d. (1 image). Antivibration clampson flight wing, BG-1 aircraft, 1935 (1 image). See ALSO 313.13.
313.4.4 Records of Scouting Force
Textual Records: Records of Commander Scouting Force, consistingof formerly security-classified correspondence, 1928-40; generalcorrespondence, 1938-43; subject file, 1939-42; damage controlexercises, 1937-39; and logbooks, 1938-45. Records of the SupplyOffice, 1932-42. Correspondence and other records of theEngineering Section, 1940-42. Logbooks of Scouting Squadrons 53,1943-45; 3-D14, 1941-42; and 3-D15, 1943-44. Generalcorrespondence of Commander Cruisers, Scouting Force, 1930-40.Records of Commander Scouting Squadron 6, including generalcorrespondence, issuances, and logs, 1934-40. Records ofCommander Aircraft, Scouting Force, including generalcorrespondence, 1937-42; serial file, 1937-41; issuances, 1938-42; employment schedules, 1941; records relating to gunneryexercises, 1934-42; reports received from the Anacostia Naval AirStation, Washington, DC, 1931-39; reports relating to aircraft,1930-37; records of the Flag Secretary, 1938-41; records of theSupply Office, 1937-41; and records of the Gunnery Office, 1939.Records of Commander Submarines, Scouting Force, consisting ofgeneral correspondence, 1932-42; serial file, 1932-41;miscellaneous correspondence, 1936; and reports of tacticalexercises, 1941.
Charts (5 items, in Washington Area): Atlantic Coast, NorthPacific, Howland Island, Panama Canal, and HI, 1933-42. See ALSO313.10.
Aerial Photographs (48 items, in Washington Area): JohnstonIsland, 1941 (1 item). Palmyra Island, 1941 (2 items). SanClemente Island, 1940 (1 item). Maraki Island of Gilbert Islands,1942 (44 items). See ALSO 313.10.
Photographs (238 images, in Washington Area):Experimentalsubmarine periscope photography, U.S.S. Cuttlefish, Seal, andTambor, off the coast of HI, September 1941. See ALSO 313.13.
313.4.5 Records of Base Force
Textual Records: Records of Commander Base Force, includinggeneral correspondence, 1931-42; serial file, 1932-41; issuances,1939-41; ships characteristics cards, 1936; reports of enlistedpersonnel, 1930-38; and records of the Admirals Mess, 1935-40.Correspondence and other records of the Flag Lieutenant, 1931-34,and Flag Secretary, 1938-44. Records of the Force MaterialOfficer, 1938-41. Issuances of the Senior Medical Officer, 1937.Logs of the Flag Watch Officer, 1938. Records of the SeniorPatrol Officer, consisting of Shore Patrol Arrest Reports (SanFrancisco, CA), 1936-37; and patrol logs, 1933-36. Intelligencefile of the Confidential Office, 1942. Records of Force AthleticOfficer, 1938-40. Log of Captain of the Yard, Pearl Harbor, 1936-41. Captain's office file, U.S.S. Vestal, 1938. Records ofCommander Aircraft, Base Force, including general correspondence,1930-42; serial file, 1933-36; issuances, 1933-34; records of theFlag Secretary, 1935-36; records of the Radio, Radar Section,1942-43; and records of the Engineering Section, 1925-39.
Maps (16 items, in Washington Area): Destroyers base, NavalOperating Base, San Diego, CA, 1939 (1 item). Militaryfacilities, New York Harbor area, 1939 (1 item). New Yorkrailroad terminal, n.d. (1 item). Long Beach, CA, 1937 (1 item).Guantanamo, Cuba, 1932 and n.d. (5 items). Hampton Roads, VA,1938 (1 item). Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, VA, 1938 (5 items).Berthing facilities, Norfolk, VA, 1934 (1 item). See ALSO 313.10.
Charts (23 items, in Washington Area):Air navigation, U.S.cities and states and Central and South America, 1939-40. SeeALSO 313.10.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (46 items, in WashingtonArea): Plan of an oiler, 1937 (1 item). Plans of U.S.S. Argonne,Bagaduce, Cimarron, Lark, Natchez, Navaho, Partridge, Relief,Robin, Sonoma, Vestal, and Wright, 1940-41 (45 items). See ALSO313.10.
Aerial Photographs (1 item, in Washington Area): Destroyers base,Naval Operating Base, San Diego, CA, 1939. See ALSO 313.10.
313.4.6 Records of the Asiatic Fleet
Textual Records: Records of Commander Aircraft Squadron, AsiaticFleet, including general correspondence, issuances, andmiscellaneous reports, 1930-32.
313.4.7 Records of the Atlantic Squadron
Textual Records: Formerly confidential general correspondence,1936-40.
313.5 Records of Naval Operating Forces, World War II and Later
Note: The bulk of the records embraced under this subgroupconstitutes a single accession that is as yet largely unprocessedand undescribed. The records relate principally to navaloperating forces within the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets atdifferent levels of the organizational hierarchy. They arephysically arranged in three major sequences: 'Blue Series,'5,967 boxes; 'Top Secret Flag Files,' 168 boxes; and 'RedSeries,' 10,148 boxes. Records of specific components cited belowmay be found in any or all of the three sequences.
313.5.1 Records of the United States Fleet
Textual Records: Records of the Commander in Chief U.S. Fleet,1952-53.
313.5.2 Records of the Atlantic Fleet
Textual Records: Records of Commander in Chief Atlantic Fleet,1940-61; Commander Service Force, Atlantic Fleet, 1941-58;Commander Operational Development Force, Atlantic Fleet, 1945-56;and Commander Training Command, Atlantic Fleet, 1943-59.
Records of Commander Battleship Cruiser Force, Atlantic Fleet,1949-54. Records of Commander Cruiser Force, Atlantic Fleet,including general correspondence, serial file, gunnery exercises,and miscellaneous records, 1939-44; mailgrams, 1940-42; andadditional records, 1943-48. Records of Cruiser Division Seven, Atlantic Fleet, 1942-45. Records of Commander CruiserDestroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet, 1957-61.
Records of Commander Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet, 1941-58.
Records of Commander Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet, includinggeneral correspondence, 1941-42; quartermaster logs, 1943-46; andadditional records, 1939-61. Records of Commander SubmarineSquadron 6, 1938-55; Commander Submarine Squadron 10, 1941-45; Commander Submarine Squadron 50, 1942-43; and Commander Submarine Division 61, 1943-44.
Records of Commander Mine Force, Atlantic Fleet, 1946-57;Commander Mine Squadron 8, 1943-52; Commander Mine Squadron 20(and Destroyer Squadron 20), 1943-45; Commander Mine Division 50,1942-44; Commander Mine Division 82, 1951-53; and CommanderEscort Minesweeping Group, 1944.
Records of Commander Amphibious Forces, Atlantic Fleet, 1941-61;Commander Amphibious Training Command, Atlantic Fleet, 1942-58;Commander Amphibious Squadron 10, 1958-63; Commander 3rdAmphibious Force, 1944-45; Commander 11thAmphibious Force, 1943-45; and Amphibious Control Squadron 2,1954-57.
Records of Commander Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet, 1942-61;Fleet Air Wings, Atlantic Fleet (Naval Air Facility Weeksville),1949-53; Commander Fleet Air Quonset Point, RI, 1943-58;Commander Fleet Air Wing 7, 1942-45; Commander Fleet Air Wing 12(Key West), 1943; Commander Fleet Air Norfolk, VA, 1944;Commander 2d Carrier Task Force, 1944-45; Commander AntisubmarineDefense Force Atlantic, 1952-61; and Commander Naval AirTransport Service Command Ferry Wing, 1943-47.
Records of Commander Naval Forces Northwest African Waters, 1943;Commander Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, 1942-58; Commander Fleet Air Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, 1952-55; Commander Naval Forces Mediterranean, 1943-48; CommanderMideast Force, 1951-56; Commander Task Group 80.1, 1945; andCommander Battleship Division 2, 1956-57.
313.5.3 Records of the Pacific Fleet
Textual Records: Records of Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet,1940-61, including miscellaneous operations and maintenancefiles, 1943-44; and a microfilm copy of incoming and outgoingmail logs, 1940-44 (16 rolls). Records of Commander ServiceForce, Pacific Fleet, including general correspondence, 1938-45;records relating to ships, 1938-45; compass record of U.S.S.Amber, 1941; Captain's Night Order book, 1943-44; and additionalrecords, 1938-60. Records of Commander Service Squadron 1, 1959-61. Records of Commander Training Command, Pacific Fleet, 1943-58.
Records of Commander Battleship Cruiser Force, Pacific Fleet,1942-49; and Commander Cruiser Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet,1949-59.
Records of Commander Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet, 1940-50.
Records of Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, 1931-59;Commander Submarine Flotilla 1, 1949-55; and Commander SubmarineSquadron 7, 1951-53.
Records of Commander Mine Force, Pacific Fleet, 1941-56;Commander Mine Squadron 3, 1949-52; Commander Mine Division 3,1943-45; and Commander Mine Division 11, 1946-54.
Records of Commander Motor Torpedo Boat Squadrons, Pacific Fleet,1943-45; and Commander Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 1, 1940-45.
Records of Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet, consistingof general correspondence, serial file, engine parts lists, andmiscellaneous records, 1939-45; and additional records, 1943-57.Records of Commander Amphibious Training Command, Pacific Fleet,1942-58.
Records of Commander Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet, 1941-59;Commander Fleet Air Alameda, CA, 1942-59; Commander Fleet AirSeattle, WA, 1942-51; Commander Fleet Air Japan, 1950-54;Commander Fleet Air Hawaii, 1945-60; Commander Fleet Air Whidbey,WA (Fleet Air Wing 4), 1947-56; Commander Fleet Air Wing 14,1942-48; Fleet Logistic Air Wing Pacific Fleet, 1947-57; andNaval Air Transport Service Pacific, 1942-48.
Records of Commander Blockading and Escort Force, Pacific Fleet,1950-55; Commander Escort Carrier Force Pacific, 1944-45; andCommander 1st Carrier Task Force, 1944-45.
Records of Commanding General Fleet Marine Force Pacific, 1941-58; Commanding General Air Fleet Marine Force Pacific, 1942-55;Commanding General 1st Marine Air Wing, 1952; and CommandingGeneral 1st Marine Division, 1942-55.
Records of Commander Service Squadron Southern Pacific, 1942-45;Commander Amphibious Forces Southern Pacific, 1942-45; CommanderFleet Aircraft Southern Pacific, 1942-44; Commander SouthwestPacific, 1942; Commander Submarines Southwest Pacific, 1942-45;Commander Destroyer Flotilla West Pacific, 1950; Northern PacificForces, 1951-59; Commander Naval Forces Far East, 1945-57;Commander Naval Forces Japan, 1950-61; Commander Naval ForcesKyushu, 1945-46; Commander Naval Forces Marianas, 1942-54; NavalForces Western Pacific, 1945; Commander Naval Forces Philippines,1944-45; Commander Naval Forces Ryukyu Islands, 1945; CommanderFormosa Patrol Force (Fleet Air Wing 1), 1951-54; and CommanderTaiwan Patrol Force (Fleet Air Wing 1), 1957-60.
Records of Underwater Demolition Team 13, 1951-54; CommanderBattleship Division 1 (including records of Battleship Divisions2 and 7), 1933-46; and Commander Task Force 71, 1945.
Maps and Charts (3,310 items):Strategic, tactical, andoperations maps and charts, including flak maps, air and gunnerytarget maps, briefing charts, approach charts, and photomaps, ofWorld War II contested areas in the Pacific, compiled orcollected by the Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet/Commander inChief Pacific Ocean Areas (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), 1942-45 (1,125items). CINCPAC/CINCPOA plans and related reports pertaining tonaval operations in the Pacific and the occupation of Japan,1944-47 (100 items). War patrol track charts of U.S. Navysubmarines in the Pacific whose names began with letters Gthrough W, 1943-45 (1,400 items). Tracks of ships overlaysrelating to the Pacific and the Malay Archipelago, 1944-46 (450items). Action plots relating to naval operations in the westernPacific, 1944-45 (225 items). Air search plans in the Pacific,1944-45 (10 items). See ALSO 313.10.
313.5.4 Records of numbered fleets (Atlantic)
Textual Records: Records of Commander 2d Fleet, 1946-56. Recordsof 4th Fleet, 1942-46; 6th Fleet, 1947, 1951-59; 8th Fleet, 1942-45; and 10th Fleet, 1946. General correspondence of the 12thFleet, 1944-45.
313.5.5 Records of numbered fleets (Pacific)
Textual Records: Records of the 1st Fleet, 1945-56; 3d Fleet,1944-46; and 5th Fleet, 1943-45. Records of the 7th Fleet, 1941-60; Commander 7th Fleet, 1958-60; Commander Service Force, 7thFleet, 1944-45; Fleet Marine Force, 7th Fleet, 1958-63; andCommander Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron, 7th Fleet, 1943-46.
313.5.6 Records of Naval Forces Europe
Textual Records: Records of Commander in Chief U.S. Naval ForcesEurope, 1939-61; and Commander Naval Forces Europe, 1939-44.Records of Commander Naval Forces Germany, 1944-57; and CommanderU.S. Ports and Bases Germany, 1944-45. Records of CommanderAmphibious Bases United Kingdom (Commander Task Force 127), 1943-45; and Naval Advanced Amphibious Base Portland, Weymouth,Dorset, 1944-45.
313.5.7 Records of Fleet Air organizations
Textual Records: Records of Commander Fleet Air West Coast, 1942-49. Records of Commander Fleet Air Wing 4, 1941-45; CommanderFleet Air Wing 5, 1944-56; and Commander Fleet Air Wing 14, 1949-54. Records of Fleet Airship Wing 1, 1954-61.
313.5.8 Records of miscellaneous activities
Textual Records: Records of the Naval Attache for Air, London,1943-44. Records of Commander Task Force 24, 1941-46; CommanderAll Forces, Aruba, Curacao, 1942-45; Carrier Division 19, 1944-46; Commander Battleship Squadron 1, 1944-45; Commander MineSquadron 2, 1942-45; Commander Transport Squadron 12, 1943-45;Commander Submarine Squadron 3, 1939-45; Commander SoutheastPacific/Commander Cruiser Division 3, 1942-48; Marine Air Group33 (1st Marine Air Wing), 1945-54; Commander Fleet Training GroupWestern Pacific, 1949-50; and Commander Blimp HeadquartersSquadron 2, 1943-44. Logbooks of Airship Squadron 1, June 1-October 31, 1961 (in Philadelphia). Records of Airship Squadron3, 1959-60 (in Philadelphia).

313.6 Records of Pacific Ocean Area Activities
1921-59 (bulk 1939-59)
313.6.1 Records of the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS)
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Records ofMSTS Pacific Area, including subject files, 1950-56, 1959;records relating to arctic operations, 1955-57; and (inWashington Area) general correspondence, command locators, andoriginator locators, 1958. Subject files of MSTS Mid-PacificArea, 1949-50. Records of MSTS San Francisco, including subjectfiles, 1949-55; and organization charts, 1951-54. Subject filesof MSTS Pearl Harbor, 1950-54. Correspondence of MSTS ServiceOffice, Guam, 1956.
313.6.2 Records of Naval Bases (NB)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Subject files of NB 926(Guam), 1949-51.
313.6.3 Records of Naval Advance Bases (NAB)
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Subject fileof NAB 208 (Upolu, Western Samoa), 1943-44. Records of NAB 825(Roi and Kwajalein, Marshall Islands), 1946. Records of NAB 60(Russell Islands of Solomon Islands), 1943-44 (in WashingtonArea).
313.6.4 Records of Naval Operating Bases (NOB)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Subject files and otherrecords of NOB 1504 (Midway Island), 1942-50.
313.6.5 Records of Naval Stations (NS)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Records of the NS at TutuilaIsland, American Samoa, including correspondence and subjectfiles, 1921-49; formerly security-classified correspondence ofthe Commandant/Governor of American Samoa, 1941-45; yard files,1943-45; station logbooks, 1942-51; and records of the NavalGovernment Unit, 1949-51. Records of NS 824 (Kwajalein, MarshallIslands), 1943-47, 1950-52. Subject files of NS 926 (Guam), 1951-52. Subject files of NS 3080 (Midway Island), 1950-55.
313.6.6 Records of Naval Air Stations (NAS)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Subject files of NAS 30(Puuene, Maui, Hawaiian Islands), 1942-45. Records of NAS 309(Palmyra, Caroline Islands), 1939-47. Subject files of NAS 824(Kwajalein, Marshall Islands), 1950. Records of NAS 926 (Guam),consisting of subject files, 1949, 1952-54; and correspondence,1955. Subject files of NAS 939 (Orote, Guam), 1945-49. Records ofNAS 943 (Agana, Guam), consisting of subject files, 1944-56;station logs and administrative files, 1951; and correspondence,1950-52. Records of NAS 958 (Kagman Point, Mariana Islands),1944-47. Subject files of NAS 3245 (Tanapag, Saipan, MarshallIslands), 1946-50.
313.6.7 Records of Naval Air Facilities (NAF)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Subject files of NAF 807(Ebeye Island, Marshall Islands), 1944-47. Records of NAF 3247(Tinian, Mariana Islands), 1946-47. Records of NAF 3410 (MoenIsland, Truk Islands), 1943-47.
313.6.8 Records of Submarine Bases and Submarine Advance Bases
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted):Records ofSubmarine Base 128 (Pearl Harbor), consisting of correspondence,1951-58; subject files, 1951-58; and (in Washington Area)additional records, 1948-59. Records of Submarine Advance Base3234 (Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands), 1940, 1942-45.
313.6.9 Records of miscellaneous activities
Textual Records: Records of the Joint Intelligence Center PacificOcean Areas (JICPOA), 1942-46. Records of the Trust Territory ofthe Pacific Islands, 1923-51; and Commander Marshalls/GilbertsArea, 1942-46. Subject files of Fleet Logistical Support,Pacific, 1949-50 (in San Francisco).
Aerial Photographs (1,020 items): JICPOA aerial reconnaissance ofareas in Japan; the Ryukyu Islands; and Luzon, PhilippineIslands, 1944-45. See ALSO 313.10.
313.7 Records of Naval Sea Frontiers
Textual Records: General correspondence and war diaries of theEastern Sea Frontier, 1941-50. Records of the Gulf Sea Frontier,consisting of formerly security-classified and unclassifiedcorrespondence, 1940-46; subject files, 1942-45; and war diaries,1942-45. Formerly security-classified correspondence of theCaribbean Sea Frontier, 1942-46. Formerly security-classified wardiaries of the Northwestern Sea Frontier, 1942-46. Generalcorrespondence of the Hawaiian Sea Frontier, 1942-46.
313.8 Records of the U.S. Naval Support Force, Antarctica
313.8.1 Administrative records
Textual Records: Records of the Division of History and Research,including administrative records and a research file, 1955-72;and correspondence, letters sent, and subject files, 1971-72.Correspondence and miscellaneous subject files of the HistoricalOfficer, 1972-74. Record set of USNSFA publications, 1955-68. Records of the Office of Public Affairs, including subject files, 1947-91; bulletins of the U.S. Anarctic Projects Officer, 1959-65; and issues of the Anarctica Sun Times, an inhouse newspaper, 1975-97.
313.8.2 Operational records
Textual Records: Reports of Operation Windmill, 1947-48, andOperation High Jump, 1947. Clippings from Australian, NewZealand, and U.S. newspapers, 1957-61. Reports and referencefiles of Task Force 68 (Operation High Jump), 1946-47. Subjectfiles, logistics planning files, staff studies, reading files,dispatches, and other records of Task Force 66 (Operation HighJump II), 1948-50. Reports of Task Force 48 concerning U.S.S.Atka Antarctic Expedition, 1954-55. Correspondence, subjectfiles, project files, and reports of Task Force 43 (OperationDeep Freeze), including records relating to U.S. Navy exploratoryflights in Antarctica, 1955-94.
Maps (15 items):USNSFA annotated base maps of Antarctica and anaccompanying published report relating to the army-navy trailparty of Operation Deep Freeze II, 1956-57. See ALSO 313.10.
Aerial Photographs (1,557 items, in Washington Area): OperationDeep Freeze, maintained by the Photographic Officer, Task Force43, consisting of a general series, 1955-69 (200 items); 'TaskForce Activity' series, 1956-61 (457 items); and 'U.S. Navy XAM'series, 1959-69 (900 items). See ALSO 313.10.
Motion Pictures (35 reels, in Washington Area): Antarctica, 1939-65 (29 reels). Australian Expedition, taken by U.S. observerIsaac Schlossbach, 1955-56 (6 reels).
Sound Recordings (10 items, in Washington Area): Task Force 43(Operation Deep Freeze), n.d.
Photographs (64,502 images, in Washington Area): Operation DeepFreeze, maintained by the Photographic Officer, Task Force 43,1960-80. See ALSO 313.13.
Photographic Prints (89,740 images, in Washington Area):Operation Deep Freeze, maintained by the Photographic Officer,Task Force 43, consisting of a general series, 1955-69 (52,800images); 'Task Force Activity' series, 1956-61 (11,338 images);'U.S. Navy XAM' series, 1959-69 (22,647 images); and 'U.S. NavyXAC' series, 1959-69 (2,955 images). See ALSO 313.13.
313.9 Other Records
1849-1909, 1935-44
313.9.1 Records of the U.S. Auxiliary Naval Force
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1898. Letters receivedregarding the purchase of auxiliary vessels for use by the navy,1898. Letters sent by Headquarters Second Coast Defense District,Boston, 1898. Letters sent and received by Headquarters FourthCoast Defense District, Philadelphia, 1898.
313.9.2 Combined records of two or more naval forces
Textual Records: Letters sent by the Squadron for Special Serviceand Navy Review Fleet, 1892-93. Letters and endorsements sent bythe South Atlantic Squadron and Combined European and SouthAtlantic Squadrons, 1902-3. Letters, cables, radio dispatches,and endorsements sent by the South Atlantic Squadron, NorthAtlantic Squadron (Caribbean and Second Squadrons), and ThirdDivision, Atlantic Fleet, 1903-6.
313.9.3 Records of individual vessels
Textual Records: Records of U.S.S. Alliance, consisting ofletters sent, 1878-87, and received, 1904, by commanding officer.Letters sent by commanding officer of U.S.S. Atlanta, 1888-89.Formerly security-classified general records of U.S.S. Augusta,1935-44 (85 ft.). Letters sent by commanding officer of U.S.S.Brooklyn, 1896-1906. Letters received by commanding officer ofU.S.S. Culgoa, 1902-5. Letters sent by commanding officer ofU.S.S. Dale, 1857-59. General correspondence of U.S.S. Iowa,1897-98. Letters sent and received by commanding officer ofU.S.S. Iroquois, 1902-6. Dispatches sent and relayed by U.S.S.Louisiana, 1908-9. War diary and dispatches of commanding officer of U.S.S. Marblehead, 1941-44. Records of U.S.S. Massachusetts, consisting ofletters sent by commanding officer, 1871, and chief engineer,1896-99. Letters sent by commanding officer of U.S.S. Midnight,1864-65. Letters sent by commanding officer of U.S.S. Mohican,1888-90. Records of U.S.S. Monongahela, consisting of letterssent by commanding officer, 1875-76, and paymaster, 1902. Letterbooks of U.S.S. Niagara relating to the Atlantic Cable, 1856-58.Expenditure book of U.S. Gunboat Pembina, n.d. Letters sent bycommanding officer of U.S.S. Pensacola, 1874-76, 1879-84. Letterssent by commanding officer of U.S.S. Pinta, 1883-90. Letters sentby commanding officer of U.S.S. Quinnebaug, 1883-85. Letters sentby commanding officer of U.S.S. Tallapoosa, 1886-88.Correspondence register of U.S.S. Texas, 1906-8. Letters sent bycommanding officer of U.S.S. Thetis, 1889-94. Letters sent bycommanding officer of U.S.S. Vixen, 1849-51. Deck notes and roughlog of U.S.S. Ward, 1941-42. Letters sent and received by U.S.S.Wasp, 1871-75. Letters sent by commanding officer of U.S.S.Wyoming, 1878-80.
Related Records: Additional records of U.S.S. Mohican Under313.2.2.
313.10 Cartographic Records (General)
See Maps and Charts Under 313.3.1 and 313.5.3.
See Maps Under 313.4.5 and 313.8.2.
See Charts Under 313.4.2, 313.4.3, 313.4.4, and 313.4.5.
See Architectural and Engineering Plans Under 313.4.2, 313.4.3,and 313.4.5.
See Aerial Photographs Under 313.4.4, 313.4.5, 313.6.9, and313.8.2.
313.11 Motion Pictures (General)
See Under 313.8.2.
313.12 Sound Recordings (General)
See Under 313.8.2.
313.13 Still Pictures (General)
See Photographs Under 313.4.4 and 313.8.2.
See Photographic Prints Under 313.4.3 and 313.8.2.
See Photographic Negatives Under 313.4.3.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.
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