Here we look at and quickly decide which local server installation package is best for the circumstances: LAMP, MAMP, WAMP, or XAMPP. Most people looking into this are wanting a local environment in which to test and run WordPress or some other popular CMS or other software; Bitnami is perfect for most such setups.
Which local server setup is best for me?
LAMP Stack and WAMP, MAMP: Install PHP, Apache, Perl, MySQL, Learn how to setup a LAMP,WAMP, MAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) web server and Install MAMP,WAMP on macOS and linux. AMPPS is a LAMP/MAMP/WAMP stack AMPPS is a stack of Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl & Python. AMPPS enables you to focus more on using applications rather than maintaining them.
XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, MAMP are all local servers used for developing PHP sites, in a nutshell, they are server stacks. The positive effect of using the software is you can easily spot the errors and bugs before uploading it. Now let us look into the difference between XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, and MAMP.
Lamp Mamp Wamp
LAMP: Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP (Forget about LAMP if you are running Windows.)
MAMP: MacOX-Apache-MySQL-PHP (Forget about MAMP if you are running Windows.)
WAMP: Windows-Apache-MySQL-PHP
XAMPP: Cross-platform-Apache-MariaDB-PHP-Perl
If you are running Windows, then you can choose WAMP or XAMPP; if you are using a Mac, choose MAMP or XAMPP.
Choose WAMP if:
You’re a beginner; you are relatively new to all this
You’re using it for a production environment
Security is very important
Choose XAMPP if:
You need more than what WAMP offers
If you need Filezilla, Perl
You’re using it for testing, or for a hobby environment
Security is not paramount Dell 2350dn driver.
This quote nicely sums up the security aspects of WAMP and XAMPP:
If you’re working on a hobby local project, use XAMPP but if you’re working on a project for the production environment and have a PC running the Windows OS, then you should definitely use WAMP because it was built with security in mind. XAMPP vs WAMP on Quora
Given all of the above, I have chosen to use XAMPP. I need a local server for testing purposes only; it’s not a production environment.
Installing XAMPP
Go to and download XAMPP.
Lamp Wamp Or Mamp
After XAMPP has been successfully installed, the handy XAMPP control panel appears from which you may start/stop any of the main services on your new local server: Apache (HTTP server), MySQL (database), FileZilla (the FTP server), Mercury Mail (the mail server), and Tomcat (Java server). How to make bootable os x yosemite.
Testing your XAMPP installation
Lamp Wamp Mamp Difference
In looking for a good and convenient way to test my brand-new XAMPP installation, I ran across Webucator.